Sunday, February 8, 2009


What really fuels adults like us to blatantly lie, without fluttering an eyelid, on issues of trivial importance ? Why do we maneuver the truth to the extremity of its gamut ? Well, both you and i will agree when i say the 'lying syndrome' is nothing but a stimulus oriented result of our environment and and we are merely the innocuous victims of our circumstances! We love blaming everyone but ourselves don't we :)
Frankly, we are responsible for each and every happening in our life, because we solely take our decisions, and by decisions i don't just mean the 'BIG' decisions,i mean the 'little' ones,that we take for every split second, minuscule and trivial decisions like should i get up at 7.30am or sleep 15 more minutes or should i work overtime today..
By the above citations i mean,that we stand 100% accountable and responsible for every happening in our lives,you characterize your actions and thus blaming others/circumstances is just another futile effort in the way of convincing yourself,why you lied a second ago.Lying only makes you superficially very comfortable with the fact that the lie that you just said was only so harmless,but the question is why can't we just say the truth ? We believe it just leads to a lot of controversies,too many to be true!
It can't be as bad as we imagine it to be! I am not advocating 'Gandhigiri' but i feel it is a 'feel good'/'no guilt' way of life! Its better to say 1 truth rather than a 100 hundred lies to make up for the 1 lie that you said,no wonder they made it mandatory for us to read 'Pinocchio',the boy who had an extensible nose, for the times he lied, his nose would get extended by a few centimeters !

Vividly imagine other people lying to you,trust me it would make a lot of difference to you,because you might lose the TRUST you had built with that person over ages.Too big a risk for anyone to take if you ask me!
My advice is same as Gandhiji's: Avoid lying , because there is not much fun in lying, the dauntlessness 'lies' in no 'lying' :)
'Embrace Truth' its good for health !


  1. i can guess who this post is for.. :D
    do u think i lie?

  2. your blog seems to be turning into an "art of good living" guide :P

    a lot of people out there would like to answer that question :P

  3. cool it radhika..never tell the world what to do..just do it yourself

  4. Its just a point of view ,an opinion...some might agree and some disagree...! But this is how i feel for the topic!

  5. well, i seriously think that lying can be of some help in certain situations. though i don't support chronic lying but yes in certain situations when you have to save your ass you can indulge in a bit of lying!!! one may also lie just to console a person....though it should'nt be used for cheating on somebody.....
