"I believe that the first test of a great man is his humility. I don't mean by humility, doubt of his power. But really great men have a curious feeling that the greatness is not of them , but through them. And they see something divine in every other man and are endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful." - John Ruskin
It happens so often in our everyday life - that we, in the glorious perceptions of our dignified lives, forget to acknowledge others and the efforts that they put in our lives to make it better. We don't realize the worth of anyone else around us or relate to any of their dreams. We simply live our lives like a rodent running on a circular treadmill. Today, all of us are so engrossed in our own work, work-related tensions, families, and health issues that no one has the time to listen to what anyone else has on his/her mind. We are living our lives like robots. In defense of all that I have said above, let me run you through your day yesterday. Answer the following questions - Did someone cook food for you ? Did someone wash your dirty utensils ? Did someone drive you to your office ? Did someone iron your clothes ? If yes then, did you, even for a second, feel thankful or blessed ? Did you immediately respond to the favor with nice words ? If no, then why not ?
Humans, very often, while climbing the ladder of success, use services of many and then just forget to return the favor with kind words. It is as if they have bought everything they possibly have with money ! But that is not how it should be.
It is a well known fact that nature in most of its activities, follows the normal distribution curve. That is also how everyone's life fluctuates in this world; exactly like a normal distribution curve, which has a crest (highest point) and two troughs (lowest point). This essentially means that everyone is obliged to get their highs and lows in their lifetime. What might be your high may be someone else's low, but that doesn't deter their ability to make it big in their lifetimes, when the tides of time and the winds of wisdom are both in their stride. Therefore, it becomes a moral responsibility of those in their highs to help those in their lows, so that they can remember you for all the goodness of your heart and the humbleness of your nature, long after you are gone.
Everyone, desires to be great. They strive to be respected, loved and cared by all. That is the sole reason they work so hard everyday of their lives, isn't it ? Now, what is most important to understand, in this context is- 'what differentiates the great human beings from the good human beings' ?
There is an age old saying - The tree bearing the most fruits is the one which bends the most and survives the winds. This proverb is a great learning insight for all. People who stand tall in their false ego and pride, fall flat when the harsh winds of time blow rampantly; and the ones who bear the fruits of wisdom, prosper their goodness with humility.
Humility is the most under-rated virtue in today's age. In my view it is humility that is a litmus test to know the great from the good.
We, as a society, attach utmost importance and bestow instant gratification to what meets the eye - the pompous, the flashy and the flamboyant. But surprisingly, when in trouble, would you want to go to someone who is arrogant, unhelpful and conceited with his false pride ? Absolutely never. So, why become someone whom you would never want to meet ?
You may be the best in whatever it is that you are doing, but you must never lose the grip of the ground in your pursuit of the sky, never undermine anyone's talent, never indulge in an ego trip, and never be unhelpful to others because what may be yours today will be someone else's tomorrow. Lets try being humble and experience true happiness, wisdom and pleasure. Your acts of humility have the power to change lives !
Being HUMBLE is the biggest lesson of life.