So the world is undergoing an economic slowdown, people are losing their jobs to recession, the polar ice-caps are melting at a shockingly high rate which sooner than later will submerge the low-lying areas especially the coastal line, the strong value system of our nation has been hit for a six with more people imitating the west in the pursuit to look and sound "cool" and "urbane",the 3rd largest IT firm (satyam) frauds the common man and the duties of the so called "moral police" are being performed by the gross,malicious,profane and X-rated people.Now the question is do i care? Do we all care? Yes, we all do. But only for a few seconds,till the thought lingers fresh in our mind,after which it remains with us only as a newspaper headline,that's about it!
We are seemingly the most empathetic creatures,yet we fail to feel the profound grief of others,i am blaming no one here,because it is now a part of the basic human tendency.The impact fades away,slowly but gradually!
"Time heals the deepest wounds!" Yes,it really does,but will closing your eyes only to believe that the cat won't eat the little birdie right in front of it,help??? Unfortunately,we all close our eyes when we can't see the remorseful site,Perfectly normal i say!
But when do we actually know that the bad dream is over? and that some day or the other people like us would have to take an initiative? or that if it does happen with us,then what ??
Its time for us to stop playing the blame game,its time for us to start thinking and start walking the talk!
Act responsibly as an individual, do the little kind acts of saving the environment from degradation and be honest to yourself .Blaming is easy but doing something is difficult.Start an initiative to change yourself first,then you have a right to blame the rest.The 1st step to change the world is to change yourself .
YES,i care,so should you!